Welcome!  I am so thrilled to share that my book, The Wish Stealers, is now out in stores nationwide...

  • Click on "Videos" to watch The Wish Stealers' book trailer...
  • Click on "My books" to read the true story behind the book...
  • Click on "About Me" to read about bats, holes in boots, and a hiccuping piano....

1. March 2015


Sunshine State Award

Thank you, Florida!



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16. November 2014


Parents Read Best November Author Interview

New York Times best-selling author Allison Winn Scotch has an amazing website for parents called Parents Read Best www.parentsreadbest.com  It’s a great resource to find fantastic books for your kids. Today she posted her author interview of me on her Authors Read Best pages…check out Allison’s latest book too “The Theory of Opposites” just optioned for film by Jennifer Garner….congratulations, Allison!


Who You Are:  I’m an author originally from CT. I grew up spending the summers barefoot picking wild raspberries in the woods. Now I live in CA with my family and dream about picking wild raspberries in the woods.  :)    I wrote The Wish Stealers after I saw someone stealing coins out of a public fountain. I just stood there in shock as he dipped his hand in the water and scooped coins/wishes into his cup. It wasn’t enough to write about at first, but then something happened—someone hurt my feelings. I told someone an idea I had, and instead of saying go for it, or give it a try, this person told me all the ways it could fail before I even tried. I slashed on a yellow Post-it note with my pen: WISH STEALER! Suddenly the two ideas clicked and that began the story of The Wish Stealers. 

What You Write: I wrote The Wish Stealers, a middle grade 300-page novel published by Simon & Schuster. The book was just nominated by the states of AZ, CA, and FL for state awards to be one of fifteen books all kids in the state should read. It also won a California Readers Award recommended to be in every state and public library in California.

 Why You Write: I write because I deeply love words and stories.  I love creating a story that can uplift, help, and comfort a child. I think books can change and save a life. Certainly some books I read as a child made a profound impact on my life: how I saw the world and even how I saw myself.  If, as a writer I can even come close to creating something as meaningful for a child as those books that touched me, then I will feel like I added something good to this world.

What Your Kids Are ReadingMagic Tree House books all the way!

Your Childhood Favorites:  I was profoundly impacted byAnne of Green Gables. I loved how Anne was tough and smart and did not compromise her deepest sense of self – she had great personal integrity. My main character, Griffin Penshine, has red hair “like a gussied-up copper penny.” I chose her hair color as a tribute to Anne of Green Gables who is a famous redhead in literature. I also loved all theChoose Your Own Adventure books, which I still think are so much fun to read!

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12. November 2014


School project — desigining a book jacket

Big thanks and shout out to Alli for this cool design —   students are her school had to pick their favorite book and design and new cover…love all the Indian Head pennies and the light coming from behind it–so cool.  xo Tracy

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13. August 2013


A huge thank you to the states of Florida, Iowa, and Arizona! The Sunshine State Young Readers Award 2013 has selected The Wish Stealers to be one of fifteen books that all kids in the state should read. In Arizona it is a Grand Canyon Readers Award Nominee 2014; and in Iowa a Children’s Choice Award 2013-2014 nominee on their state list. So many wonderful wishes, appreciation, and gratitude to the children, librarians, families, and amazing readers in these states!

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13. November 2012


Wish Stealers — Published in Norway



I was so happy to find out that my book is now published in Norwegian.

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30. June 2012


7th Grader Guest Blogger from Colorado

When Laura wrote to me about The Wish Stealers I asked if she would be a guest blogger….below are her thoughts about the book… Thanks so much, Laura!
“My favorite characters are Garret and Griffin . I like Garret because when he has a goal he puts a great effort into it. Also he can be funny and sounds cool to hang out with. I like Griffin for her personality. She is nice and likes to help people out. I also like her for her amazing guitar skills. These are some why Garret and Griffin are my favorite characters.”
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11. November 2011


School Project by Emma

A few weeks ago at the GIRLTROPIA convention in Los Angeles where I was read passages from The Wish Stealers, I met a wonderful girl named Emma. With her mom and sister, Emma came up to me and shared how she was a fan of The Wish Stealers and had completed a school project on the book. She showed me the “magic box” she created that represented things from the story such as a painting (for Grandma Penshine) and a red bass guitar for Griffin. I thought her project was so thoughtful and imaginative, that I asked her to please send me the photos to post. Thank you, Emma!

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6. September 2011


Ohio Wish Stealers Bookclub

This summer an amazing group of girls in Ohio started their own book club. Their first summer read was The Wish Stealers! We did a conference call for twenty minutes about the book. I was thrilled to answer their thoughtful and detailed questions. Like any great book club, wonderful food was served! Check out their “wish cupcakes” made especially for this mother-daughter event. We had an interesting discussion about the power of endings in stories. I loved what the girls and their moms shared about the ending in The Wish Stealers–I thought about their words for many days afterward. Thank you, wonderful, cool, smart, lovely Ohio girls–may you have many awesome book clubs to come. Best wishes! Tracy




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